Ejercicios de ingles presente simple, simple present tense.
Por ejemplo I work, you work, he, she, it works, we work, you work, they work.
Se usa simple present tense (ingles presente simple) para expresar acciones que se repiten, es decir para acciones que se llevan a cabo todos los días, todas las semanas, etc. como costumbre, por ejemplo:
He comes here every Wednesday
Él viene aquí todos los miércoles
We go to the beach three or four times a year
Nosotros vamos a la playa tres o cuatro veces al año.
Ejercicios de ingles presente simple, usos

Antes de comenzar con los ejercicios necesitas conocer sus usos principalmente que tiene la misma forma que el infinitivo pero se le añade una s” a la tercera persona del singular, entonces…
To give, es el infinitivo
Simple present: I give, you give, she gives, he gives, it gives
También se usa con el verbo “say” cuando hablas a cerca de una noticia, un libro o haces una cita, por ejemplo:
What does the notice say?
It says, no parking
What does the book say?
It says don’t cook quickly.
I see you’ve got letter to Mary, What does she say?
She says she I coming out of London next year.
Ejercicios de ingles presente simple, forma negativa e interrogativa

La forma negativa (negative form of simple present) necesita the present tense negative del verbo “to do” + the infinitive (el infinitivo) pero sin “to” del verbo principal:
I do not give, you do not give, it does not give, etc.
La forma interrogativa necesita the present tense interrogative de “to do” + the infitive (sin “to”) del verbo principal:
Do I give?, do you give?, does she give) etc.
Ya conoces la forma afirmativa, interrogativa y negativa del simple present tense, entonces puedes ejercitar con ejercicios de ingles presente simple.
Ejercicios de ingles presente simple, excersices

Excercises, ejercicios para que practiques lo estudiado:
Expresa en simple present tense llenando los espacios en blanco con los verbos entre paréntesis:
1. John_____ (come) to school by bus
2. I usually___ (eat) lunch with Mary in the bar every day.
3. The school bell always _____ (ring) at eight o’clock.
4. Wood___ (float) on water.
5. We all ___ (understand) the use of present tense.
6. Pam ___ (speak) English well.
7. We ___ (have) three French classes each week.
8. Both sisters ___ (play) piano well.
9. It usually ___ (rain) quite often during the month of April.
10. Babies ____ always (cry) when the get hungry.
Ejercicios de ingles presente simple, soluciones
Las soluciones del ejercicio anterior son:
1. comes
2. eat
3. rings
4. floats
5. understand
6. speaks
7. have
8. plays
9. rains
Ejercicios de ingles presente simple, more excersices
More excersices, más ejercicios para que profundices tu estudio:
En este caso va a cambiar el sustantivo en plural a singular, por ejemplo:
The boys speak French well
The boy speak French well
Ahora hazlo tú:
1. The girls admire Tom very much.
2. The architects hope to finish our new home next month.
3. The children play in the park every morning.
4. These apples taste sour.
5. The dogs chase the cat all over the garden
6. The birds always build their nests in that tree.
7. These rooms face the east, don’t they?
8. These books belong to the teacher, don’t they?
9. Students generally dislike to do homework.
10. Potatoes now cost more than apples.
11. Those chairs belong in the next room.
1.The girl admires Tom very much.
2. The architect hopes to finish our new home next month.
3.The child plays in the park every morning.
4. This apple tastes sour.
5. The dog chases the cat all over the garden.
6. The bird always builds its nest in that tree.
7. This room faces the east, doesn’t it?
8. This book belongs to the teacher, doesn’t it?
9. Student generally dislikes to do homework.
10. Potato now costs more than apple.
11. That chair belongs in the next room.
Puedes practicar tu estudio en: ejercicios de inglés básico.